First two rounds of engagement

The objectives of the Partnership's first two stages of public and stakeholder engagement (PSE1 and PSE2) were primarily to build an understanding of the Partnership's work and the overall process amongst the public and stakeholder organisations, and for the Partnership to understand what the key issues were for the public and stakholders. 

Further details about PSE1 and PSE2 are provided below.

Public and Stakeholder Engagement – Round 1

The first round of the Partnership's public and stakeholder engagement (PSE1) was held between November 2009 and March 2010.

The main aim of this first round of engagement was to inform people about what was happening and how the Partnership, as their community representatives, were responding to the Government.

The Partnership sought the broad reaction of residents and organisations throughout and beyond West Cumbria.

The main issues that were raised are set out in the PSE1 Report alongside the Partnership's responses.

What difference did it make?

The Partnership made a number of changes as a result of the input it received from members of the public and stakeholders.  The main changes were to:

How did the Partnership engage with the public in Round 1?

Various strands of activity were held:


Public and Stakeholder Engagement - Round 2

The Partnership's second round of public and stakeholder engagement (PSE2) was held between November 2010 and February 2011.

A key priority in PSE2 was to significantly raise awareness of the issues involved in the MRWS process and to seek people's views on three key issues:

The outcomes of PSE2 and the resulting recommendations are set out in the PSE2 Report.  Reports of the individual activities can be downloaded from the links below.

How did the Partnership engage with the public in Round 2?

The Partnership carried out a range of communications and engagement activity including:

“I thought the session was really useful – it gave me and my classmates the chance to voice an opinion.”
Joseph Fryer, who took part in one of the first discussion pack sessions at St Benedict’s School, Whitehaven

“The youngsters had a pretty wide range of views to express and a good few were exercised by the issues and wanted to take part in the future.”  Mike Priestley, Connexions Cumbria, who ran the St Benedict’s School session.


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