
Below is a list of the documents published by the Partnership which can be downloaded or viewed online. The documents can either be viewed in a numerical list or under the categories listed below. Documents that were published after the Partnership completed its work (up to the point of the decisions about participation being taken by the councils) are included in the full numerical list from Document 308 onwards, and can also be found in the category 'Post-Partnership Documents'.

If you would like to receive paper copies of any of the documents please contact us. Large print, audio, Braille and translated documents can also be offered, and most documents can be provided in Word format for use with a screen reader if required.

Full list of documents: Click here to view

Documents by category:

Briefing Notes, E-Bulletins and Newsletters

Criterion 1 - Safety, Security, Environment and Planning

This is one of the 6 criteria that the Partnership set out in its Work Programme. The Work Programme can be downloaded from the Other section (Document 13).

This criterion sought to determine whether the Partnership was satisfied that:

  • Suitable regulatory and planning processes are in place or being developed to protect residents, workforce and the environment.
  • The Radioactive Waste Management Directorate of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority has suitable capability and processes in place to protect residents, workforce and the environment.

This section also includes a number of documents from the External Documents section.

> 294. Notes from Meeting with the NDA regarding Strategic Environmental Assessment 20 June 2012 : Author - NDA

> 293. Letter from the Environment Agency 22 June 2012 : Author - Environment Agency

> 284. Letter from the Office for Nuclear Regulation 13 June 2012 : Author - Office for Nuclear Regulation

> 280. Letter to the Environment Agency 31 May 2012 

> 279. Letter to the Office for Nuclear Regulation 31 May 2012 

> 255. Update on Planning and Economic Development 21 February 2012 

> 254. The NDA's Response to the Regulators' Review of the Generic Disposal System Safety Case February 2012  : Author - NDA

> 253. The Regulators' Review of the NDA's Generic Disposal System Safety Case December 2011  : Author - Environment Agency and Office for Nuclear Regulation

> 217. Further Information on Research & Development July 2011  : Author - NDA

> 209. Preliminary Assessment Report Criterion 1 - Safety, Security, Environment and Planning 29 July 2011 

> 203. Briefing Note on the MoDeRn Project June 2011  : Author - NDA

> 185. Reply to the NDA's Response to the Review of its R&D Programme (Document 184) 22 May 2011 : Author - Professor Stuart Haszeldine

> 184. Response to Professor Stuart Haszeldine's Review of the NDA's R&D Programme (Document 146) March 2011  : Author - NDA

> 161. Summary Report on the Peer Review of the NDA's DSSC 12 January 2011 : Author - Peer Reviewers

> 160. Introduction to the NDA's Generic Disposal System Safety Case December 2010  : Author - NDA

> 159. NDA's RWMD Issues Process Briefing Note April 2011  : Author - NDA

> 154. Regulators' Comments on NWAA Issues Register and Rock Solid 21 April 2011 : Author - Regulators

> 147. Regulators' Views on the NDA's Research & Development Programme March 2011  : Author - Regulators

> 146. Review of the NDA's Research & Development Programme March 2011  : Author - Professor Stuart Haszeldine

> 134. Planning Roles and Processes 19 January 2011 

> 130. Regulatory Interfaces with the Community January 2011  : Authors - EA, HSE, DfT

> 126. Notes from CALC and Environment Agency Meeting re Regulatory Resources 16 November 2010 : Author - Environment Agency

> 57. Regulators' Response to Questions on Roles and Processes  : Author - Regulators

> 36.1. Regulators' Roles and Processes in the Implementation of MRWS (updated March 2011)  : Author - Regulators

> g. Rock Solid? A report by Helen Wallace for Greenpeace International  

> f. Issues Register published by Nuclear Waste Advisory Associates March 2010  

Criterion 2 - Geology

This is one of the 6 criteria that the Partnership set out in its Work Programme. The Work Programme can be downloaded from the Other section (Document 13).

This criterion sought to determine whether the Partnership was:

  • Confident in the integrity of the British Geological Survey screening work/report.
  • Satisfied that sufficient areas are remaining in West Cumbria after initial screening to make further progress worthwhile.

This section also includes a number of documents from the External Documents section.

> 304. Letter from the Environment Agency 20 July 2012 : Author - Environment Agency

> 292. Notes from Meeting with the Geological Society of London 19 June 2012 

> 285. Review of Consultation Submissions on Geology 18 June 2012 : Author - FWS Consultants Ltd

> 282. Letter from CoRWM regarding Geology 8 June 2012 : Author - CoRWM

> 267. Steering Group Minutes (including discussion with Lead Inspector and Technical Assessor from the Nirex Inquiry) 29 March 2012 

> 237. Response to Professor Smythe's Further Input on Geology 26 October 2011 : Author - FWS Consultants Ltd

> 200. Report from Geology Seminar 20 June 2011 

> 195. Preliminary Assessment Report Criterion 2 - Geology 23 June 2011 

> 194. Review of the NDA Information on Geology (Document 167) 24 May 2011 : Author - FWS Consultants Ltd

> 193. File Note from Meeting Between the NDA and the Planning Inspector for the Nirex Inquiry March 2011  : Author - NDA

> 192. Email Exchange Between CALC and the NDA re Areas Excluded by the BGS Screening January to June 2011  

> 175. Comment on Professor David Smythe's Views on Geology 13 May 2011 : Author - FWS Consultants Ltd

> 169. Statement on Distance Separation of Above Ground and Underground Facilities 17 June 2011 : Author - NDA

> 167. Further Information on Geology from the NDA June 2011  : Author - NDA

> 162. CoRWM's View on the Geological Suitability of West Cumbria 16 February 2011 : Author - CoRWM

> 149. Notes from Geological Society Meeting 17 February 2011 

> 143. NDA Briefing Note for Geology Information Seminar  : Author - NDA

> 123. Report from Geology Seminar 15 November 2010 

> 120. Report from CoRWM Seminar 22 September 2010 

> 116. British Geological Survey Report 28 October 2010 : Author - BGS

> 115. British Geological Survey Report - Non-Technical Summary 28 October 2010 : Author - BGS

> 113. Peer Reviewer Statement on Final BGS Report  : Author - FWS Consultants Ltd

> 112. Peer Reviewer Report on 1st Draft of BGS Report  : Author - FWS Consultants Ltd

> 111. Peer Reviewer Statement on Final BGS Report  : Author - Professor Agust Gudmundsson

> 110. Peer Reviewer Report on 1st Draft of BGS Report  : Author - Professor Agust Gudmundsson

> 99. Notes from Presentation of BGS Draft Report to Steering Group 18 August 2010 

> 53. Specification for Peer Review of British Geological Survey Study  

> 24. British Geological Survey Peer Review  : Author - DECC

> t. Response from Professor Haszeldine to the Review of Consultation Submissions by FWS Consultants Ltd 24 June 2012 

> s. Response from Professor David Smythe to the Review of Consultation Submissions on Geology by FWS Consultants Ltd 22 June 2012 

> q. Response from Professor David Smythe to FWS Consultants Ltd 7 December 2011 

> p. Response from Professor David Smythe to the NDA regarding spoil 3 November 2011 

> o. Input from Professor David Smythe regarding spoil  

> n. Letter from Professor David Smythe regarding the geological unsuitability of the Eskdale Granite 6 October 2011 

> m. Response from Professor David Smythe to FWS Consultants Ltd (Document 175) 16 September 2011 

> l. Response from CoRWM to Professor David Smythe 1 June 2011 

> k. Input from Tim McEwen regarding geology May 2011  

> j. Response from Professor David Smythe to CoRWM re geological unsuitability of Cumbria 12 April 2011 

> i. CoRWM's view on the geological suitability of West Cumbria 16 February 2011 

> h. Analysis of the Nirex inquiry by Professor David Smythe 1 February 2011 

> c. Letter Refusing Nirex Planning Permission, 1997  

> b. Inspector's Report from Nirex Enquiry, 1995/96 Enquiry  

> a. Review of Nirex Site Selection Process, 1987-1991  

Criterion 3 - Community Benefits and Impacts

This is one of the 6 criteria that the Partnership set out in its Work Programme. The Work Programme can be downloaded from the Other section (Document 13).

This criterion was about whether the Partnership was confident that:

  • An appropriate community benefits package can be developed.
  • Appropriate possibilities exist to assess and manage environmental, social and economic impacts appropriately if they occur.
  • The possibility of a repository fits appropriately with the overall direction of the relevant community/ies.
  • Accepting a geological disposal facility at some point in the future, and committing the host area to a nuclear future for many generations to come, is economically advantageous and will contribute to economic sustainability.

This section also includes documents from the External Documents section.

> 303. Letter from DECC regarding the Partnership's Community Benefits Principles and Codifying Elements of the MRWS Process 12 July 2012 : Author - DECC

> 294. Notes from Meeting with the NDA regarding Strategic Environmental Assessment 20 June 2012 : Author - NDA

> 269. Brand Protection Strategy Report  : Authors - Sedley Place and The Communication Group

> 255. Update on Planning and Economic Development 23 February 2012 

> 238. Report from Visit to Bure in France October 2011  

> 234. Letter from the NDA Regarding Spoil Quantities 21 October 2011 : Author - NDA

> 231. Briefing on Property Value Protection October 2011  : Author - Galson Sciences

> 227. DECC's Response to the Community Benefits Principles September 2011  : Author - DECC

> 219. Briefing Note on Environmental Assessments in Stage 4 of the MRWS Process 22 August 2011 : Author - NDA

> 212. Preliminary Assessment Report Criterion 3 - Community Benefits and Impacts 29 July 2011 

> 201. Protection of the Marine Environment - Clarification from DECC June 2011  : Author - DECC

> 182. Baseline for Measuring Impacts 1 June 2011 : Author - NDA

> 178. Letter re Transport Movements 19 May 2011 : Author - NDA

> 172.1. Community Benefits Principles and Letter to DECC 26 May 2011 

> 168.1. Appendix to Document 168 (Report from Impacts Research) - Case Studies  : Author - GVA

> 168. Report from Impacts Research into Perceptions of a GDF on West Cumbria 14 April 2011 : Author - GVA

> 163. Impacts Sub-Group Report July 2011  

> 156. Report from 'Virtual' Visit to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico 9 March 2011 

> 140. International Review of Community Benefits  : Author - Galson Sciences Ltd

> 124. International Learning and Potential Overseas Site Visits December 2010  : Author - NDA

> 117. Notes from Community Benefits Sub-Group Meeting 25 October 2010 

> 95. Community Benefits Sub-Group Report 18 August 2010 

> 71. Community Benefits Scoping Paper  

> 55. Discussion Paper - Impacts of a Geological Disposal Facility  

> 31. Summary Note on International Benefits Packages 14 October 2009 : Author - NDA

> 27. Summary Note on Potential Impacts of Implementing Geological Disposal 7 October 2009 : Author - NDA

> p. Response from Professor David Smythe to the NDA regarding spoil 3 November 2011 

> o. Input from Professor David Smythe regarding spoil 11 October 2011 

Criterion 4 - Design, Engineering and Inventory

This is one of the 6 criteria that the Partnership  set out in its Work Programme. The Work Programme can be downloaded from the Other section (Document 13).

In this criterion the Partnership was seeking to be satisfied:

  • That the design concepts being developed are appropriate at this stage.
  • With the proposed inventory to be managed in a facility.

> 241. 2010 UK Radioactive Waste Inventory  : Author: DECC/NDA

> 204. Further Analysis of Longer-term Manpower and Skills Requirements June 2011  : Author - NDA

> 196. Preliminary Assessment Report Criterion 4a - Design and Engineering 23 June 2011 

> 189. Response from DECC to Principles for Inventory Change June 2011  : Author - Charles Hendry, DECC

> 187. Preliminary Assessment Report Criterion 4b - Inventory 23 June 2011 

> 179. Report on Manpower and Skills Requirements May 2011  : Author - NDA

> 166. Update on 2010 Radioactive Waste Inventory 22 March 2011 : Author - DECC/NDA

> 136. Contact Report from Retrievability Conference in Reims December 2010  : Author - Fergus McMorrow

> 97. Principles for Inventory Change  

> 94. Inventory Critique by Pete Roche  : Author - Pete Roche

> 90. Briefing Note - Retrievability  

> 88.2. Inventory Presentation from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Issue 2 November 2010  : Author - NDA

> 45.1. NEA Retrievability Scale Leaflet November 2011  : Author - NEA

> 37. Addressing Retrievability in Design  : Author - NDA

> 30. Five Clarifications for the West Cumbria MRWS Partnership 14 October 2009 : Author - NDA

> 29. Generic Design Concepts - How Will They Evolve? 14 October 2009 : Author - NDA

Criterion 5 - Siting Process

Criterion 6 - How Public and Stakeholder Views Will be Used

This is one of the 6 criteria that the Partnership set out in its Work Programme. The Work Programme can be downloaded from the Other section (Document 13).

This criterion is about whether the Partnership's recommendations are credible given public and stakeholder views. (Note: the word 'credibility' here is used to reference the criterion in the Government White Paper, paragraph 6.22 - see External Documents.)

See also the Public and Stakeholder Engagement section for a full list of documents relating to the activities and outputs of the Partnership's comprehensive public and stakeholder engagement process.

> 273. Presentation by Ipsos MORI on the Opinion Survey to the Partnership 22 May 2012 

> 251.1. Opinion Survey - Response to Public Comments March 2012  

> 247. Briefing Note - The Partnership's Opinion Survey January 2012  

> 245. Paper on Expert Review of Opinion Survey Methodology for the Steering Group 24 November 2011 

> 171. Preliminary Assessment Report Criterion 6 - Indicators of Credibility 24 May 2011 

> 74. Discussion Paper - Credible Support and Decision Making about Participation  

> 73. Table of Responses to PSE1 (updated 31 May 2011)  

External Documents

This is a selection of documents not drafted by or for the Partnership, but of clear relevance to the process.

> u. Documentation from the Cumbrian MPs fact-finding session 10 January 2013 

> t. Response from Professor Haszeldine to the Review of Consultation Submissions by FWS Consultants Ltd 24 June 2012 

> s. Response from Professor David Smythe to the Review of Consultation Submissions on Geology by FWS Consultants Ltd 22 June 2012 

> r. An overview of NDA higher activity radioactive waste February 2012  

> q. Response from Professor David Smythe to FWS Consultants Ltd 7 December 2011 

> p. Response from Professor David Smythe to the NDA regarding spoil 3 November 2011 

> o. Input from Professor David Smythe regarding spoil 11 October 2011 

> n. Letter from Professor David Smythe regarding the geological unsuitability of the Eskdale granite 6 October 2011 

> m. Response from Professor David Smythe to FWS Consultants Ltd (Document 175) 16 September 2011 

> l. Response from CoRWM to Professor David Smythe 1 June 2011 

> k. Input from Tim McEwen regarding geology May 2011  

> j. Response from Professor David Smythe to CoRWM re geological unsuitability of Cumbria 12 April 2011 

> i. CoRWM's view on the geological suitability of West Cumbria 16 February 2011 

> h. Analysis of the Nirex inquiry by Professor David Smythe 1 February 2011 

> g. Rock Solid? A report by Helen Wallace for Greenpeace International  

> f. Issues Register published by Nuclear Waste Advisory Associates March 2010  

> e. White Paper on Managing Radioactive Waste Safely, 2008  

> d. CoRWM's Recommendations to the Government, 2006  

> c. Letter Refusing Nirex Planning Permission, 1997  

> b. Inspector's Report from Nirex Enquiry, 1995/96 Enquiry  

> a. Review of Nirex Site Selection Process, 1987-1991  


> 307. Executive Summary of the Partnership's Final Report August 2012  

> 306. The Partnership's Final Report August 2012  

> 303. Letter from DECC regarding the Partnership's Community Benefits Principles and Codifying Elements of the MRWS Process 12 July 2012 : Author - DECC

> 299. Legal Advice on Voluntarism and the Public Interest June 2012  : Author - Wragge and Co. LLP

> 299. Legal Advice on Voluntarism and the Public Interest June 2012  : Author - Wragge and Co. LLP

> 297. Decision Making by the Decision-Making Bodies in the MRWS Process in West Cumbria (updated August 2012)  

> 296. Legal Advice on Making Voluntarism Legally Binding June 2012  : Author - Wragge & Co. LLP

> 295. Discussion Note on Codifying Elements of the MRWS Process 20 June 2012 : Author - DECC

> 291. Update on Actions Commissioned by the Partnership at its 22nd May 2012 Meeting  

> 289. Draft Final Opinions for Discussion at 25 June 2012 Partnership Meeting  

> 287. DECC Responses to Actions Commissioned by the Partnership May 2012  : Author - DECC

> 286. NDA Responses to Requests for Clarifications from the Partnership May 2012  : Author - NDA RWMD

> 277. Letter from Shepway District Council 29 May 2012 

> 276. Letter to Shepway District Council 25 May 2012 

> 265. Letter from DECC regarding the Partnership's Engagement Package 2 April 2012 : Author - DECC

> 263. Letter from DECC regarding the Partnership's Engagement Package 8 March 2012 : Author - DECC

> 261. Letter to DECC regarding the Partnership's Engagement Package 24 February 2012 

> 258. Letter to DECC regarding the Partnership's Engagement Package 24 January 2012 

> 257. Updated Legal Advice on Governance February 2012  : Author - Wragge & Co. LLP

> 252. Reporting Plan for PSE3 and the Final Report, and Planning Ahead for Closure of the Partnership March 2012  

> 248. Invitation to Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, CORE and Radiation Free Lakeland to Present to the Partnership 1 December 2011 

> 240. Letter from DECC Regarding the Councils' Memorandum of Understanding 7 November 2011 : Author - DECC

> 236. Letter from DECC Regarding Acceleration of Timescales 12 October 2011 : Author - DECC

> 235. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Councils December 2011  

> 229. Equality Impact Assessment September 2011  

> 225. Legal Advice on Governance of the Partnership Process September 2011  : Author - Wragge & Co. LLP

> 221. Letter to DECC Regarding Acceleration of Timescales 6 September 2011 

> 201. Protection of the Marine Environment - Clarification from DECC June 2011  : Author: DECC

> 191. Partnership Accessibility Statement May 2011  

> 158.1. Interim Evaluation Report of the West Cumbria MRWS Partnership March 2011  : Author - Wood Holmes

> 141. Ethics Chapter of CoRWM Report  : Author - CoRWM

> 129. Register of Interests Proposal January 2011  

> 122. Operational Review Proposal  

> 120. Report from CoRWM Seminar 22 September 2010 

> 118. Approach to Final Reporting 10 December 2010 

> 107. Independent Convening Agreement with 3KQ  

> 106. Engagement Package Funding to September 2012  

> 92. Briefing Note - Why Geological Disposal?  

> 86. Response to Evaluation, Phase 1  

> 81. Briefing Paper - What is a Decision to Participate?  : Author - DECC

> 80. Evaluation Phase 1, June 2010  : Author - Golder Associates

> 14. Document Policy 17 August 2009 

> 13.1. Partnership Work Programme (updated 25 November 2011)  

> 08. Funding Stakeholders Policy 28 October 2009 

> 07. Criteria for a Decision Whether to Participate 12 August 2009 

> 06. Partnership Meetings - Public Observer Sheet  

> 04. Risks Paper (Updated November 2011)  

> 02. Partnership Terms of Reference  

> e. White Paper on Managing Radioactive Waste Safely, 2008  

> d. CoRWM's Recommendations to the Government, 2006  

Partnership Meeting Reports

Post-Partnership Documents

This category contains documents that were published after the Partnership completed its work and handed its Final Report to the three Councils in August 2012. 

> 343. Letter from Copeland Borough Council to DECC regarding the Decision about Participation 11 February 2013 

> 342. Letter from DECC to Cumbria County Council 4 March 2013 : Author - DECC

> 341. Letter from Cumbria County Council to DECC 6 February 2013 

> 340. Final Report of the Baseline Perceptions of Cumbria, the Lake District and its Brands (Brand Management Work) February 2013  : Author - Ipsos MORI

> 339. Executive Summary of the Baseline Research for Economic Studies (Brand Management Work) February 2013  : Author - DC Research and partners

> 338. Final Report of the Baseline Research for Economic Studies (Brand Management Work) February 2013  : Author - DC Research and partners

> 337. Presentation to the Councils on the Partnership's Work September 2012  

> 336. Letter from Copeland Borough Council to DECC 17 January 2013 

> 335. Bridging Group Meeting Notes 15 January 2013 

> 334. Letter from DECC to Cumbria County Council 14 January 2013 : Author - DECC

> 333. Letter from Cumbria County Council to DECC 10 January 2013 

> 332. Letter from Cumbria Tourism to DECC 8 January 2013 

> 331. Bridging Group Meeting Notes 26 November 2012 

> 330. Letter from DECC to the Councils 19 December 2012 : Author - DECC

> 329. Letter from DECC to the Lake District National Park Authority 11 December 2012 : Author - DECC

> 328. Letter from DECC to CALC 19 November 2012 : Author - DECC

> 327. Letter from the Lake District National Park Authority to DECC 26 November 2012 

> 326. PSE3 Evaluation Report November 2012  : Author - Wood Holmes

> 325. Final Evaluation Report of the West Cumbria MRWS Partnership November 2012  : Author - Wood Holmes

> 324. Brand Management Group Meeting Notes 7 November 2012 

> 323. Brand Management Plan  

> 322. Letter to All Party Committee of Cumbria MPs 5 November 2012 

> 321. Letter from DECC 26 September 2012 : Author - DECC

> 320. Brand Management Group Terms of Reference  

> 319. Letter from Copeland Borough Council to DECC 22 October 2012 

> 318. Letter from CALC to DECC 22 October 2012 

> 317. Bridging Group Meeting Notes 16 October 2012 

> 316. Questions and Answers Regarding Plutonium September 2012  

> 315. Brand Protection Group Meeting Notes 9 October 2012 

> 314. Brand Protection Group Meeting Notes 19 September 2012 

> 313. Letter to DECC 1 October 2012 

> 312.1. Bridging Group Meeting Notes 20 September 2012 

> 311. Newsletter - September 2012  

> 310. Brand Protection Group Meeting Notes 22 August 2012 

> 309. Brand Protection Group Meeting Notes 6 August 2012 

> 308. Bridging Group Meeting Notes 16 August 2012 

Public and Stakeholder Engagement

This category contains documents relating to the Partnership's public and stakeholder engagement programme.  The key documents are the Partnership's Final Report (Document 306), the summary report of the outcomes of the Partnership's formal consultation and opinion survey (Document 288 - PSE3 Report), and Ipsos MORI's opinion survey report (Document 281).  The findings from the Partnership's previous rounds of public and stakeholder engagement are published as Documents 157.1 (PSE2 Report) and 61 (PSE1 Report). 

> 307. Executive Summary of the Partnership's Final Report August 2012  

> 306. The Partnership's Final Report August 2012  

> 305. Lists of Contextual Points Raised in the Partnership's Consultation  

> 304. Letter from the Environment Agency 20 July 2012 : Author - Environment Agency

> 300. E-Bulletin 19, July 2012  

> 293. Letter from the Environment Agency 22 June 2012 

> 288. PSE3 Report 25 June 2012 

> 285. Review of Consultation Submissions on Geology 18 June 2012 : Author - FWS Consultants Ltd

> 284. Letter from the Office for Nuclear Regulation 13 June 2012 

> 282. Letter from CoRWM regarding Geology 8 June 2012 

> 281.1 Data from MRWS Opinion Survey May 2012  : Author - Ipsos MORI

> 281. Opinion Survey Report May 2012  : Author - Ipsos MORI

> 280. Letter to the Environment Agency 31 May 2012 

> 279. Letter to the Office for Nuclear Regulation 31 May 2012 

> 278. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Notes 30 May 2012 

> 273. Presentation by Ipsos MORI on the Opinion Survey to the Partnership 22 May 2012 

> 272. E-Bulletin 18, May 2012  

> 270. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Notes 9 May 2012 

> 266. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Notes 16 March 2012 

> 264. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Notes 10 November 2011 

> 260. E-Bulletin 17 - March 2012  

> 259. Newsletter - February 2012  

> 251.1. Opinion Survey - Response to Public Comments March 2012  

> 250. E-Bulletin 16 - January 2012  

> 247. Briefing Note - The Partnership's Opinion Survey January 2012  

> 244. E-Bulletin 15 - December 2011  

> 243. Consultation Overview Document November 2011 to March 2012  

> 242. Public Consultation Document November 2011 to March 2012  

> 233. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Notes 13 October 2011 

> 232. E-Bulletin 14 - October 2011  

> 226. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Notes 21 September 2011 

> 224. E-Bulletin 13 - September 2011  

> 220. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Notes 31 August 2011 

> 216. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Notes 27 July 2011 

> 214. Contact Note from Exhibition Stands Summer 2011  

> 211. Ipsos MORI Response to Michael Baron's Questions July 2011  : Author - Ipsos MORI

> 210. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Notes 5 July 2011 

> 208. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Notes 24 June 2011 

> 207. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Notes 7 June 2011 

> 206. E-Bulletin 12 - July 2011  

> 205. Contact Note from Meeting Regarding Youth Engagement 16 June 2011 

> 202. Letter sent to Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and CORE 27 June 2011 

> 199. Letter sent to Partnership by Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and CORE 17 June 2011 

> 197. Newsletter - Summer 2011  

> 191. Partnership Accessibility Statement May 2011  

> 188. Letter sent to Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and CORE 9 June 2011 

> 183. Letter sent to Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and CORE 17 March 2011 

> 181. Letter sent to Partnership by Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and CORE 28 February 2011 

> 180. Letter sent to Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and CORE 20 October 2010 

> 177. E-Bulletin 11 - June 2011  

> 174. Discussion Pack Report PSE2 May 2011  

> 170. E-Bulletin 10 - May 2011  

> 164. Awareness Tracking Survey Report Wave 3, March 2011  : Author - Ipsos MORI

> 157.1. PSE2 Report 24 May 2011 

> 152. Report from Residents' Panel PSE2 January 2011  : Author - Vision Twentyone

> 151. E-Bulletin 9 - March 2011  

> 142. E-Bulletin 8 - February 2011  

> 138. Newsletter - January 2011  

> 137. Report from Stakeholder Organisations Workshop PSE2 13 January 2011 

> 133. Newsletter - November 2010  

> 132. Community Drop-in Events Report PSE2 January 2011  

> 131. E-Bulletin 7 - December 2010  

> 128. Contact Note from Dunmail Park Exhibition Stand 27 November 2010 

> 114. E-Bulletin 6 - 28 October 2010  

> 109. Ipsos MORI Technical Note on Surveys  

> 105. Interim E-Bulletin - 14 October 2010  

> 103. Contact Note from Lake District National Park Authority Partnership Meeting 7 September 2010 

> 101. Contact Note from Cumbria Association of Trades Councils 21 August 2010 

> 100. NGO Involvement Overseas  : Author - NDA

> 96. E-Bulletin 5 - August 2010  

> 89. Contact Note from Joint Schools Council 5 July 2010 

> 85. Contact Note from Whitehaven Festival 26-27 June 2010  

> 83. Awareness Tracking Survey Report Wave 2, May 2010  : Author - Ipsos MORI

> 79. E-Bulletin 4 - June 2010  

> 76. Letter to Jean McSorley and Ruth Balogh 28 May 2010 

> 73. Table of Responses to PSE1 (updated 31 May 2011)  

> 67. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Note 6 April 2010 

> 66. Citizens' Panel survey 2009 (see pages 31-34)  

> 64. Contact Note from Japanese Cabinet Office Meeting 16 March 2010 

> 63. Contact Note from Presentation to CoRWM 17 December 2009 

> 62. Neighbourhood Forum Report - PSE1  

> 61. PSE1 Report  

> 60. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Note 24 February 2010 

> 59. Residents' Panel Event Report - PSE1 6 February 2010 : Author - Vision Twentyone

> 54. Awareness Tracking Survey Report Wave 1, January 2010  : Author - Ipsos MORI

> 51. E-Bulletin 3 - February 2010  

> 50. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Note 4 February 2010 

> 48. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Note 21 January 2010 

> 46. Invitation to FoE, CORE and Greenpeace 14 December 2009 

> 44. Invitation to Under-Represented Groups 7 January 2010 

> 43. E-Bulletin 2 - January 2010  

> 42. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Note 16 December 2009 

> 41. Contact Note from Presentation to St Benedicts High School 15 December 2009 

> 39. PSE1 Reporting Plan 9 December 2009 

> 38. Stakeholder Organisation Workshop Report - PSE1 21 December 2009 

> 35. Information Leaflet - November 2009  

> 34. E-Bulletin 1 - November 2009  

> 32. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Note 29 October 2009 

> 26. List of Invitees to Stakeholder Organisation Workshop - PSE1  

> 25. Invitation Letter and Agenda for Stakeholder Organisation Workshop - PSE1 12 October 2009 

> 23. Presentation Teams for Neighbourhood Forums Exhibition - PSE1 29 September 2009 

> 21. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Note 9 September 2009 

> 19. Holding a Series of Community Meetings in PSE1 10 September 2009 

> 18. Using the Existing Cumbria-wide Citizens' Panel 10 September 2009 

> 17. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Note 10 August 2009 

> 15.3. PSE3 Plan (updated 5 March 2012)  

> 15.2. PSE2 Plan  

> 11. Indicative PSE Plan 21 July 2009 

> 10. PSE Sub-Group Meeting Note 17 July 2009 

Steering Group Minutes

> 301. Steering Group Minutes 9 July 2012 

> 283. Steering Group Minutes 13 June 2012 

> 275. Steering Group Minutes 29 May 2012 

> 271. Steering Group Minutes 11 May 2012 

> 267. Steering Group Minutes (including discussion with Lead Inspector and Technical Assessor from the Nirex Inquiry) 29 March 2012 

> 262. Steering Group Minutes 7 February 2012 

> 249. Steering Group Minutes 11 January 2012 

> 246. Steering Group Minutes 24 November 2011 

> 230. Steering Group Minutes 10 October 2011 

> 223. Steering Group Minutes 9 September 2011 

> 218. Steering Group Minutes 25 August 2011 

> 213. Steering Group Minutes 21 July 2011 

> 190. Steering Group Minutes 9 June 2011 

> 173. Steering Group Minutes 17 May 2011 

> 155. Steering Group Minutes 31 March 2011 

> 153. Steering Group Minutes 16 March 2011 

> 148. Steering Group Minutes 16 February 2011 

> 145. Steering Group Minutes 2 February 2011 

> 135. Steering Group Minutes 5 January 2011 

> 125. Steering Group Minutes 24 November 2010 

> 121. Steering Group Minutes 10 November 2010 

> 108. Steering Group Minutes 13 October 2010 

> 104. Steering Group Minutes 29 September 2010 

> 102. Steering Group Minutes 1 September 2010 

> 99. Notes from Presentation of BGS Draft Report to Steering Group 18 August 2010 

> 98. Steering Group Minutes 18 August 2010 

> 87. Steering Group Minutes 21 July 2010 

> 84. Steering Group Minutes 7 July 2010 

> 78. Steering Group Minutes 9 June 2010 

> 77. Steering Group Minutes 26 May 2010 

> 70. Steering Group Minutes 28 April 2010 

> 69. Steering Group Minutes 14 April 2010 

> 65. Steering Group Minutes 10 March 2010 

> 52. Steering Group Minutes 11 February 2010 

> 49. Steering Group Minutes 27 January 2010 

> 40. Steering Group Minutes 9 December 2009 

> 33. Steering Group Minutes 28 October 2009 

> 22. Steering Group Minutes 16 September 2009 

> 16. Steering Group Minutes 11 August 2009 

> 12. Steering Group Minutes 29 July 2009 

> 05. Steering Group Minutes 28 May 2009 

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